Forty people attended the Coalition's launch meeting on 24 November. A mix of trade unionists, public sector workers, pensioners and representatives of several political parties were there, all united in their concern about the likely impacts of cuts to public services both locally and nationally.
Chaired by Green Councillor for Redhill East, Jonathan Essex, the meeting heard perspectives from four speakers and discussed plans for local activities. The speakers were:
- Chris Leary of UNISON, Chair of Save our Services in Surrey
- Paul Brandon, UNITE representative and member of the Right to Work Campaign
- Romayne Phoenix of the Coalition of Resistance and a former Green Party Councillor in Lewisham
- Lindsey German, Stop the War
Discussion covered potential cuts to NHS services in Surrey, the impact of the axing of five Connexions centres in Surrey, the links between cuts and military spending, and ideas for how to campaign locally and nationally.
People agreed to monitor and share information about proposed cuts to local services and their impacts, and to take action locally to oppose cuts and propose a more sustainable alternative.
It was great to get such a good turn-out at our first meeting. It will definitely grow fast - so many people in Redhill feel that the proposed cuts are deeply unfair and want to stop these cuts destroying our communities.
“We can resist these cuts if we work together. This is a massive sustained attack on our services but it can be resisted.” Chris Leary